Monday, June 8, 2015

Hi there...

Yes, I know I haven't been posting here like I should.  I have other important things to do, such as watching the grass grow,  documenting the rusting of aluminum, and well.... you get the idea.

So, today lets hit on something that will be a sore subject to some, and incredibly politically inccorect on my part, but the fact as I see it.

I have on occasion seen videos that show some street person sitting in a doorway whose asking for food...  and the people that ignore them.

Now  I am a street person.  When I lay my head down at nite to sleep I'm doing it outdoors.  When I go to work, I'm doing it in one doorway, or walkway, or public access point.   The difference between me and that person sitting there doing nothing and asking for food:  I am doing something, making the area around me be a little nicer (at least some think so),  and while I am doing my thing, I am NOT asking for food.... I never ask for anything.   If you don't read my blog and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, let me tell you what I do do.   I stand in different places in San Jose, Mountain View, and a few other sites, I play music on either a concert flute, or a penny whistle.  I drop a hat on the ground, and those that want to put something in it can.  Those that don't, don't.  There are alot of those.   I don't put out a sign.  If  I engage someone first, before they put money in the hat (to give directions, to tell them they dropped something, etc) then I will not accept their money.  That  would be pan handling.  I lead a decent life.  I get off the street one day every week or so.  I set my own hours.  I don't want to work, I don't.   Wonder whether playing a flute is work ?  Try playing a musical instrument for six or seven hours a day every day.  See how your hands feel.  Yeah, it's work.   That being said....

The guy sitting in the doorway doing nothing.  Not, I'm not going to give anything to someone doing nothing.  I know alot of people in downtown San Jose doing just that.  I can think of one person....  He's all of 18 years old....   He makes up a sign drawn on a scrap piece of cardboard, and sits out in front of a fast food joint.  Fully capable of working.  So, one would suggest that this person should be given money for doing nothing ?    How about the meth heads of San Jose.  They smoke their welfare checks withing 48 hours of getting them, then they have to pan handle to buy their next fix.  Give to them, so they can go get high ?  No, not a chance.  Then we have the groups that hang out in the different parks in San Jose.  That's typically their main function day in, day out, other than the daily trips to the free dinner sites.

So, one may see my point of view why I wouldn't give money, food, or support to someone that's doing absolutely nothing to improve their plight.  Get up, pick up a book and stand and read aloud on a street corner.  Someone reciting from The Great Gatsby on a sidewalk would get my appreciation.  Someone playing a kazoo would get my attention.  Someone juggling, or doing card tricks certainly would.  Someone sitting down holding a sign, and doing absolutely nothing gets just that... Nothing.

Does this make me an uncaring selfish asshole ?  No.   It makes me a realist.  Success is not made from nothing.  Prosperity is not achieved from sloth.

Do nothing, get nothing.   Do something, and hopefully people will back when you need. Some will see the person on the sidewalk playing an instrument, or juggling, or doing some other skill that makes the place a tad more interesting, and some of those people will ignore that street performer.  Fine.  Me...  I see something I like and I'll give back, even when I can't really afford to.  Just today, I heard someone playing a Beatles tune on a harmonica....  I took a dollar out of my hat, and handed it to them as they walked past, saying how I really liked how it sounded.   Do something, get something.

If this approach makes me a bad person, so be it.    I'll not change.  I'll continue to give back as I can. I'll continue to appreciate the effort.  I'll continue to ignore those that do nothing, and ask for something for it.  

That's my approach to things....   Like it, email me.  Hate me, email me..

Til' the next blog.....   Keep the rubber side down.


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